
Chasecation 2016: Lamesa, Texas

At the start of April, I tentatively targeted the end of May/first part of June as when I would take my chasecation for the year. The end of May into the start of June typically provides the most volatile environmental conditions necessary for the big

Chasecation 2016: Wamego-Louisville Tornado

Even though I live in the heart of tornado alley, and severe weather is often easily accessible from home, it has still been a desire of mine for the last couple of years to embark on a dedicated "chasecation." That is to say, taking time

Store and Brand Updates

I've finally made some much needed updates to my online store platform! The new store finally allows for me to set up promotional deals more easily and I'm looking forward to sharing those deals with you in the future. The website and galleries have a

New Holiday Season Prices!

I know what you're probably thinking: "Hey Paul, it isn't even Thanksgiving, why are you setting prices for the Holiday season now?" First of all, my price points have been long overdo for an overall to meet my customer base in the middle. Secondly, Thanksgiving is

New Adventures, New Photos

Hey all! In an effort to keep you informed of my often hectic photography efforts, I'd like to provide an update on an upcoming adventure that is sure to produce new and thrilling images for your viewing pleasure. Over the coming week or so, I will

Open for Business!

Paul Knightly Photography is officially open for business! As those who know me are well aware, this has been a long work in progress and after several months, I'm finally in a position to take the plunge and offer my photographs for sale. With that, I'd

Coming soon!

I'm currently working on constructing and integrating e-commerce features into my website. Once my website is fully functioning, please visit this page to see blog updates on where I'm shooting, showing, and selling photos. Thank you for your support. - Paul
